CGC Logo - Rhagoriaith 1-1

PCert Language Policy and Planning

Provision / Courses

This innovative certificate will appeal to graduates who work in the field of language planning within Welsh public institutions or in third sector organisations in the community. It will give students a solid basis in understanding the main concepts of language planning and the development of the field as a professional activity over recent decades. The course will also offer individuals the opportunity to apply their learning to their own experience and work.

The learning takes place online through a combination of seminars and tutorials, reading, assignments and presentations.

The Certificate is part of the MA Bilingualism and Multilingualism Master's degree.

This Certificate takes advantage of the rich linguistic experience offered by the bilingual context in Wales as well as the recognised expertise of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
An opportunity to qualify in a growing field in Wales, responding to the Government's strategies (e.g. Cymraeg 2050).
An opportunity to develop skills in an important strategic area, e.g. gaining the confidence to be able to analyse data, formulate policies, and discuss language planning with confidence.
An international focus that can benefit the situation nationally. Speakers from the Basque Country and Brittany are invited in order to offer a wider international context.

Module 1: The Essentials of Language Planning

Students will critically consider the main theoretical aspects of the field of language planning by referring to relevant theories and analyses as well as practical examples drawn from Wales and abroad, together with discussing the main social and political developments from the point of view of language planning in Wales during the twentieth century and the twenty first century.

Module 2: Promoting the Welsh language

Students will examine how the Welsh language is promoted in Wales through linguistic planning studying how this is done in public organisations, what motivates them and what processes and principles they adhere to. They will also examine how the use of the Welsh language is promoted by Welsh-speaking individuals and communities together with state agencies and others.

Click here for more information or to apply:


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Read this press release to hear from former students of the Certificate:

Press Release
Siaradwyr Gwadd
Professor Emeritus Colin Williams came to speak to the students as guest speaker. Here they are then at a conference celebrating his contribution to the field.
Cyd-destun Rhyngwladaol
Dr Aneirin Karadog, Rhagoriaith leading a seminar focussing on Breton